Your Pests Are
Not Gonna Like Us

No matter where you live today, you likely are affected by some sort of household pest. But no matter where you live or what kind of pests you have in your home, there is something you can do to tackle the problem.
And that’s where we can help. Cockroaches, termites, and mosquitos have been a nuisance for centuries and there are many ways that homeowners try to get rid of them.
But what pest-control method is most effective? And how much will it cost you?
Cockroaches are a big problem for many homeowners. They overload drains with their excrement and leave behind an unpleasant odor that can quickly spread throughout your home. If cockroach infestation is not taken care of immediately, cockroaches also leave caustic droppings on walls and furniture that have been corroded from cockroach saliva and body waste.
One popular method that homeowners use to rid their homes of cockroaches is cockroach bait. While cockroach baits are effective in reducing cockroach infestation, they also have many other practical uses including the removal of pest issues (termites, cockroaches, mice, rats and ants) in commercial spaces. Cockroach baits are designed to target cockroaches by placing the bait near cockroach infested areas. The cockroach will eat the cockroach bait and return to its nest where it transfers the poison into cockroach eggs.
Mosquitoes, though not necessarily an indoor problem, are certainly a nuisance we can all attest to. Mosquitoes are known to spread diseases like the West Nile Virus and Zika, so getting rid of mosquitos should be a top priority.
One way many homeowners try to get rid of mosquitoes is by using mosquito repellent. The most common type is bug spray that you can find just about anywhere from big box stores to even grocery stores. While bug spray can be very effective, it can also cause damage to your health and the environment when used improperly or in high concentrations.
Mosquito repellent is made up of chemicals that kill mosquitos by attacking their nervous system and creating a chemical imbalance in the brain. But because these chemicals are so strong, they must be carefully monitored and applied so they do not cause damage to people, pets or the environment.
Termites are a very expensive problem to deal with because termite infestations can be difficult to detect at first until it’s too late. Termites are known to eat away at wood structures, eating them away from within until the wood structure is compromised and then must be rebuilt.
The most common way homeowners try to get rid of termites is by using termiticides. Termiticide bait is typically inserted into your home’s foundation where termite activity occurs to prevent future infestation in a humane way. Termite baits contain a toxin that targets termites and interrupts their feeding process.
Termite baits also have many other practical uses as well including the removal of pest issues (cockroaches, ants, mice and rats) in commercial spaces with existing wood structures. Because cockroach baits and termite baits are both designed for a specific type of pest, you can use cockroach baits to target cockroaches and termite baits to target existing termite infestation or prevent future infestation.

House mice are the most common mammals in America, and for this reason, they also enjoy a healthy diet. Mice feed on crumbs from human tables as well as food right off your plate! They’re not picky eaters – if it tastes good enough to them then chances are high that you will too once these little pests have had their way with everything edible at home or inside cabinets where people keep perishables like bread, pastries, etc. The problem is those pesky creatures carry harmful bacteria which can be transferred through skin contact when picking up an animal feces-covered paw by hand after eating its meal of choice: our food.
Mice are also known to be carriers of multiple diseases like Hantavirus, Salmonellosis, Leptospirosis, and the plague. The last one is fatal in 80% of reported cases. It is caused by bacteria called Yersinia pestis, which results in flu-like symptoms that escalate into fever. The bottom line is: if you’ve found that you have these unwelcome guests, you need to get rid of them!
Can cockroaches fly?
So, most of us know that cockroaches have wings, but not many of us have actually seen a cockroach fluttering through the air. Do cockroaches even fly? The answer is, yes - they can fly as they have, not one, but two sets of wings. Interestingly, cockroaches only use...
Cockroach FAQ
Since you want to know more about cockroaches, we have put together this FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). Something worth noting is that there are many local myths and legends associated with these pesky insects. We do not intend to deny or confirm such stories...
What do cockroaches eat?
A cockroach can grow to 2.5 inches and live as long as a human being. While the lifespan of a cockroach is important, what they eat should also be considered when it comes to how long they survive. Background information: What do non-domesticated cockroaches eat?...
Are cockroaches dirty?
Cockroaches may give you the creeps but they are not dirty, according to Australian researchers. This month's Journal of Experimental Biology published their surprising results that illustrate how complex and sophisticated a cockroach's immune system is. The...
Cockroaches – Know Your Enemy
It is disgusting to find cockroaches and creepy bugs around the kitchen. These bugs and cockroaches can cause food poisoning and other harmful diseases. Thus, control of roaches is very important for living a safe and healthy life. How to control cockroaches...