Cockroaches | RoachBullies Your pests are not gonna like us! Fri, 17 Sep 2021 21:14:44 +0000 en-US hourly 1 214807882 Can cockroaches fly? Wed, 25 Aug 2021 15:02:21 +0000

So, most of us know that cockroaches have wings, but not many of us have actually seen a cockroach fluttering through the air. Do cockroaches even fly? The answer is, yes – they can fly as they have, not one, but two sets of wings. Interestingly, cockroaches only use one wing set to fly. The front pair of their wings has the property of thickness that works as a protective casing. Moreover, the wings are the same color as a cockroach’s body, and they can easily rest back when cockroaches are not being used. The back pair of wings help it fly. They have thin, clear, membranous properties and rest underneath the front pair.

When cockroaches are preparing to fly, they firstly expose the back pair & lift their front wings. Then, when cockroaches are flying, they fly via the air supporting the back pair and keep the front wings lifted.

What kinds of cockroaches can fly?

There are the several kinds of cockroaches that can fly, such as

  • Asian cockroaches
  • Brown cockroaches
  • Smoky brown cockroaches
  • And wood cockroaches are the excellent fliers

While others, like

  • American cockroaches belong to the specific species that usually use their wings to glide. 
  • Australian cockroaches are adept & good flyers. They typically exist in the Gulf Coast area.

How to get rid of cockroaches

Experts say you need to take the required prevention methods to make your home or business less appealing. This consists of some common-sense hygiene habits, such as:

Food source elimination: The continuous and open use of food can makes your home or business area welcoming to cockroaches. Thus, eliminating the constant use of food and liquids can quickly get rid of their attraction. Moreover, clean containers and bins daily.

Clean: Cockroaches like dirty & ugly environments. You should make sure that your home or workplace is properly clean, as it will go a long way in getting rid of cockroaches.

De-clutter: Another vital step that you can take is by removing clutter where cockroaches can hide. Also, items must be stored in plastic containers or jars and place newspapers and magazines in plastics bags.

Maintenance: It’s essential to keep in mind that cockroaches love to live in dark and damp places. So, you need to regularly check pipes and repair any cracks in walls, cabinets & skirting boards to avoid humidity in your home.

Why do cockroaches sometimes fly right at you?

A lot of people ask this question that why do cockroaches fly right toward them. the story behind this is that most kinds of cockroaches aren’t perfect “flyers,” and that is why sometimes they fly right toward you. But their flying is a bit uncontrollable and many times they fly in the wrong direction.

Do cockroaches crawl on you at night?

Many times, we observe that cockroaches crawl at night while we are sleeping. The reason behind this is that roaches are most active at night. And, yes, they have been known to crawl on people while they are sleeping. Yick!

What do I do if they become a problem?

Of course, one of the most effective ways to prevent cockroaches from flying is a pest control professional or professional cockroach control service. But many people have found success in home pest control methods to get rid of these pests.

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Cockroach FAQ Tue, 24 Aug 2021 01:37:20 +0000

Since you want to know more about cockroaches, we have put together this FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions). Something worth noting is that there are many local myths and legends associated with these pesky insects. We do not intend to deny or confirm such stories because they are mostly irrelevant (some might be true though!). 

1. What is a cockroach? A cockroach (from Spanish “Cucaracha”, an outcome of the phonetic transformation of ‘cock’ in English) is an insect in the order Blattodea. There are about 4,000 species out there worldwide. In Europe, they may come in three general forms: Blaberus  (North America), Orientalis  (Asia/N and NE Africa and Europe), and germanica  (Europe). Blaberus and Orientalis are closer to each other in terms of appearance, while germanica is mostly differentiated from the previous by its larger size. These three forms can be distinguished by having a shiny brownish-black exoskeleton which has reddish-brown margins; yellowish legs (especially at the ends) with long dark spines on their femora; long antennae with 3 – 4 times longer terminal segments than the basal segments (except for Blaberus) and two pairs of wings with 1/4 length being covered by tegmina   (each pair held like they were folded). The most important characteristic, however, is that cockroaches have cerci.

2. Do cockroaches fly? A lot of people think cockroaches don’t fly, but in fact, they can. If you watch a cockroach under the microscope it will be apparent that its wing has a width smaller than tegmina so it cannot generate enough lift to get up off the ground. To make matters worse, its body is not streamlined at all; it doesn’t even have a pronotum. But don’t underestimate them. They are good fliers and may use their wings for gliding techniques when running away from predators or just traveling long distances. The pattern of flight depends on circumstances (the wind, etc.) and species, but generally, they jump into the air by spreading out both pairs of wings; then glide with their front wings still opened. After that, they close their wings and try to keep them steady. It’s not a strong flight like in most insects but it gets the job done.

Cockroach vs Beetle3. Are cockroaches beetles? Although roaches are clearly part of the insect order called  Phylum Arthropoda, there is some confusion as to whether they are part of the beetle family (Coleoptera). The fact that we think blattodeans resemble cockroaches has more to do with our perception than with actual similarities between them. Cockroaches were around long before beetles did, so this notion may change eventually when we learn more about them.

4. Can I suffocate cockroaches? This is not a myth; it is possible to suffocate a cockroach if you put it in a jar and keep the lid on. However, this isn’t easy to do because of two reasons. First, most species can survive without air for over a week so they won’t die from lack of oxygen immediately. Second, it’s really hard to seal the deal since roaches are incredibly smart when it comes to making holes; they will find any opening and squeeze through them, such as going through those tiny cracks under your roof or even using their saliva as an adhesive to stick their bodies together (Yes folks! They produce something called ‘dipulla’ that functions like glue).

5. Are cockroaches asexual? Cockroaches have never been observed to reproduce without mating at least once, and most species mate several times with new partners before they get pregnant. Some of them even require sperm from more than one male to get the job done. So cross-fertilization is definitely part of their reproductive cycle. However, female roaches can store sperm for months even if they don’t need it, so if a couple of these insects meet but just happen to not find each other attractive enough to copulate (due to hormonal issues), there’s no problem in those few cases where the female still gets pregnant by her stored sperm. This process is called ‘parthenogenesis’. It may seem that the female roach is somehow able to produce her own sperm, but it’s actually just a question of activation. The point is: Asexual reproduction in cockroaches does not mean parthenogenesis.

6. How do cockroaches die? Cockroaches are protected by their exoskeleton which means that they don’t have any pain sensation and may suffer more from life-threatening injuries than other animals would. The most common cause of death is dehydration or starvation. If you were to find one dead on your kitchen floor, you could conclude that it has died of natural causes since there is no evidence of external intervention (at least until someone comes along and steps on them). But if this happens early in the morning and you have a few of them around, you might want to investigate further. It is possible that the one on the floor has died due to dehydration while others are still struggling and need your help. If they all die at once or in large numbers without any injury or evidence of disease, it’s likely that they were sick and died from an infection or toxin. This behavior has been observed during experiments in which cockroaches were exposed to high amounts of radiation.

7. Why do roaches live near humans? We may think our houses are safe havens but this is only because we associate them with safety and don’t realize how uncomfortable the conditions really care for these animals (especially considering their physiology). Roaches like dark places so basements provide a warm, dark shelter where they can reproduce safely. They also like water and your kitchen sinks meet this criterion as well. A lot of food is available near our dwellings (especially the scraps from our tables) so it only makes sense that cockroaches would be drawn to them.

8. Can roaches get on my pets? Roaches are attracted to light so if they see an opportunity, they will run toward it in order to find a way into your house. Some people say that roaches are drawn to dogs or cats but this is not true; they are just looking for good sources of food when they see those creatures moving around outside at night time. Once inside, roaches will go after anything edible (including dead insects and any source of starch) but they will not attack your pet.

huge cockroach9. What is the world’s biggest cockroach? The largest species are Oriental Roaches ( Blattella Asahina ) which can get up to 3 inches long, followed by Australian Cockroaches ( Perisphaerus australis ). But some scientists claim that there are even bigger species lurking in the depths of South America. These giants have yet to be fully discovered or classified so their size is a mystery at this point.

10. How do cockroaches survive nuclear bombs? There are many myths surrounding this topic. Some people think that they can go without food for a month and others say it’s the radiation itself that makes them grow bigger. But when asked about these issues, actual entomologists usually agree on one thing: It is unlikely that cockroaches will be able to withstand nuclear bombs. This is largely due to their physiology which does not give them any special powers of survival under extreme conditions. For instance, cockroaches do have an exoskeleton but it is made out of chitin (the same kind of stuff as crustacean shells) which means the structure of their bodies will not withstand changes in pressure or temperature.

11. Will cockroaches die in the winter? This depends on the species in question. Tropical cockroaches like American Cockroaches and Brownbanded Cockroaches will die when temperatures drop or if the climate gets too dry. But some other species can endure daytime temperatures below freezing and even snow. This does not mean that they are resilient to cold climates, though. They will only survive for a short period of time before dying if they get stuck outside during a winter storm. So it’s important to keep your home clean from both family pests and weather conditions if you want to avoid this situation in the future.

12. Why do cockroaches die on their back? It is very common for dead roaches to be found on their backs in many homes. This usually happens when they are dying or already dead. But there is also a special “death pose” that cockroaches assume before they die where they will flip onto their back and stay like this until rigor mortis sets in. At the same time, the enzymes stored in their bodies change which can lead to unpleasant odors after death but it’s a natural process that has little to do with human intervention.

13. Can I eat a cockroach? You cannot survive by eating only one type of food throughout your entire life so why would you attempt such an experiment with cockroaches? They could come in handy during survival situations (as long as you do not step on them first) but that’s about it. Unless you are desperate for food, there is no reason to eat cockroaches.

14. Do cockroaches fart? People who have pets (or young children) will probably find this question hilarious. But the fact of the matter is that we know next to nothing about these insects because they cannot be studied in laboratories. Many scientists believe that roach farts do exist and could potentially smell bad just like human flatulence does. This theory is based on one observation made by a scientist from Thailand who claims to have caught several specimens trying to pass gas while sitting in his palm. So now, all we can do is debate whether or not their farts will stink.

We hope you liked our Cockroach FAQ – #1. Stay tuned for Cockroach FAQ – #2 where we answer questions such as: Where is a cockroach’s brain? Where in the world are there no cockroaches? Should I vacuum cockroaches? And more!


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What do cockroaches eat? Tue, 24 Aug 2021 01:21:14 +0000

A cockroach can grow to 2.5 inches and live as long as a human being. While the lifespan of a cockroach is important, what they eat should also be considered when it comes to how long they survive.

Background information:

What do non-domesticated cockroaches eat? Cockroaches that are not kept as pets eat anything and everything. They have been known to feed off of the dead carcasses of other insects. These cockroaches may also feed on decaying plants and even on feces. The cockroach’s diet will change depending upon where they live, their species, and how big they are in size.


The first documented sighting was in China in 540 BC by Lu Ban, who wrote about them in his book Hsiao Ching or Classic of Filial Piety. He noted that a cockroach can travel over 1 mile during its lifetime without ever stopping because the insect has no mouth and does not need food or water to survive. Another Chinese author saw a cockroach attached to a leaf floating down the Yangtze River and she was surprised at the endurance of the insect.

History in the United States:

cartoon roachIn the late 1800s, there were cases of roaches being brought on ships from other countries with rats and fleas stowed away on board as cargo. The rats died off quickly but not before they left behind their uninvited travel companions. The cockroaches settled into American soil and multiplied exponentially making them a problem for cities across America to deal with. Cockroaches that are found outdoors will typically have access to dead plants or insects that have been lying around, so they will be able to feed despite less competition than those that are found inside buildings. Outdoors habitats are also free of predators for these cockroaches which makes it easier for them to just snack on whatever they can find.

Roach Fact:

There are around 4,000 different species of cockroaches that exist, but only about 30 of these live near humans. Only one species is a pest found in the United States and it is called the German Cockroach. It gets its name from having been originally discovered in Germany as early as 1742. This type of roach measures 1/2 or 5/8 inches long including their wings when fully mature. Females grow larger than males with their bodies being brownish-red in color while the adult male’s body is mostly light brown in color with some dark brown areas on his back. A white stripe will be found behind each eye and his eyes are small and black in color. The German Cockroach is also the most notorious of all roaches because it is known for carrying disease, may reproduce rapidly, and being a nuisance inside buildings.

History About What Cockroaches Eat:

Cockroaches can eat almost anything that is dry or sugary, but their food preferences will vary depending upon where they live. Other cockroaches prefer eating greasy substances such as fat-based foods, but even this depends on where the species lives. Some cockroaches are scavengers while others feed only on plants and some are predatory hunters. Cockroaches will eat many different types of foods if given the chance to snack at any time during the day including garbage that humans leave out overnight, feces, soil, and other decaying organic matter.

History in Popular Culture:

Roaches can be found in several works of art including books, movies, comic strips, television shows, and more. Some examples are “Dante’s Purgatorio”, “Cockroach Comics” by John Callahan, the animated film A Bug’s Life, a Pinky and The Brain episode featuring cockroaches that were forced to clean up a filthy environment just like Cinderella once did at home before she went to the ball in her stepmother’s high heel shoes. 

Cockroaches have been portrayed as villains or heroes in various pieces of art for centuries including popular video games such as Assassin’s Creed II where they are exterminated from the villa while protecting the main character Ezio while he is sleeping only to save his life later when they help him assassinate a man by dropping from the ceiling.

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Are cockroaches dirty? Mon, 23 Aug 2021 19:52:35 +0000

Cockroaches may give you the creeps but they are not dirty, according to Australian researchers.

This month’s Journal of Experimental Biology published their surprising results that illustrate how complex and sophisticated a cockroach’s immune system is.

The scientists from James Cook University in Townsville, Australia, we’re intrigued by the fact that some people react so strongly to these insects.

The researchers dissected 75 Blattella germanica, the most common species of cockroach in Australia, and removed the external surfaces of their bodies. They then measured how many phagocytes cells were inside their body cavities.

They found that those insects that appear cleaner (with fewer wax scales on their bodies) had more immune cells than dirtier ones.

“This is an extraordinary finding,” Dr. Luke McNally the lead researcher told ABC Science Online. “The results are contrary to what you would expect if these cells were simply a histamine response to foreign material.”

A menacing-looking cartoon cockroach

“Cockroaches have two different types of phagocyte present in their bodies, which we call ‘H’ cells and ‘P’ cells,” Dr. McNally said.

“The H cells are the same as we have in our own bodies; they attack foreign substances and remove them from the body cavity. “P” cells secrete histamine, which is associated with insecticide allergies.”

Why dirty would be clean

More immune cells mean that cockroaches can fight off more pathogens, Dr. McNally said.

“When you are confronted with a pathogenic organism, both the P cells and H cells come into action,” he explained. “P cells produce histamine which kills the invader, while H cells do not react to pathogens but work in concert with the immune system.”

“They bring all these phagocytes into the area, which increases the amount of killing that can occur,” he said. “In a way, it is like producing a lot more white blood cells in your body.”

“The important result was that cockroaches with fewer wax scales had higher H cell rates,” Dr McNally said.

These findings suggest that immune defense against pathogens is at least as important as defense against chemical toxins, he said.

“The H cell rate is all about how much killing can occur.”

Dr. McNally said the findings support his theory that cockroaches have a sophisticated immune system and are not just dirty scoundrels.

Clean enough to eat?

OK, so cockroaches aren’t as dirty an insect as we thought. Can I eat them?

“You could eat them if you were in a time of famine, but they taste bad,” Dr. McNally said. “They are about 80 percent water with a little bit of protein and carbohydrate.”

‘The only reason why you would want to eat them is that they are nutritious if nothing else is available,” he said. “But you would need to be starving.”

‘They have a high-fat content, which is unusual for an insect,” he said. “But you can’t really tell from their taste whether they are full of butter or not.”

Watch out next time you see one run across the kitchen floor or skitter into the corner at night, they might be trying to protect you from nasty germs!

As if we needed another reason to hate them…

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Cockroaches – Know Your Enemy Mon, 09 Aug 2021 18:52:21 +0000

It is disgusting to find cockroaches and creepy bugs around the kitchen. These bugs and cockroaches can cause food poisoning and other harmful diseases. Thus, control of roaches is very important for living a safe and healthy life.

How to control cockroaches

Cockroaches are not small insects; they can grow very large in size that adults can be as long as 2 inches. These bugs carry germs and bacteria on their feet, and if you come into contact with them by touching your mouth or nose or eyes, then also they can transfer the germ

One of the best ways to control them is by using bait traps. These are easy and cost-efficient; you can buy these from a local store or online shops and start controlling roaches with this method. There are different types of cockroach baits for trapping different types of cockroaches. You will first need to identify your problem.

Know your enemy

There are different kinds of roaches like American Cockroaches, Oriental Cockroaches, Brownbanded Cockroaches, and German Roaches. Each one has a unique habitat preference and sanitation requirements. Here is some information that will help you to decide what kind of cockroach problem you have:

A) American Roaches

American roaches will thrive at places where it is warm and humid because they cannot survive in extremely cold conditions. These bugs are commonly found in homes, restaurants, hotels or workplaces. They can also infest sewers and sewage systems. American cockroaches create a lot of health problems including allergies, asthma, food poisoning, and other dangerous diseases.

Most commonly, you will find them in hotels and restaurants because they are attracted to food. Another place where you can find them is around the kitchen area or laundry room of your home; this is especially true if there is a lot of leftovers that have not been disposed of properly. The waste material provides an ideal breeding ground for these roaches.

American Roaches need food and are not picky eaters as they will eat anything from peanut butter to bread crumbs, pizza crusts, or even tobacco. They are also attracted to starch-based foods such as flour, pasta, and potatoes. These bugs prefer light-colored surfaces because dark colors tend to absorb heat which is a condition most favorable for these bugs.

B) Oriental Cockroaches

Oriental cockroaches are found in similar places as American roaches, however, they prefer cooler climates and can survive cold temperatures. These insects have dark brown or black glossy bodies with yellowish-brown heads. The female has a pouch-like body where it holds its eggs before it hatches. These bugs are known to cause allergies and asthma in humans.

C) Brownbanded Cockroaches

These roaches are not usually found in homes, but they do come inside the house on a regular basis. They are light brown or tan in color and these bugs have darker-colored bands across their wings and abdomen. Furthermore, these roaches prefer the outdoors over being indoors.

Brownbanded cockroaches tend to be very picky eaters, unlike other roaches. They are found living in moist, cool areas such as drains and sewers. You will not find them in your kitchen or pantry because they do not like the dryness of the environment on their body surface.

Brownbanded cockroaches do not survive for long periods without moisture; thus they will die within a few days. However, it is possible for them to get into your home on a regular basis if you live in an area where they are common.

D) German Cockroaches

Just like the American roach, German cockroaches will thrive in warm and humid conditions. They prefer to live inside homes and buildings; however, they can also be found around sewers and cesspools.

The German cockroach is a very small-sized bug that has two generations in a year compared to other types of roaches which have one generation every year. So, a German roach infestation can really grow quickly if not treated with the proper methods.

Female German cockroaches have three to five egg sacs each year which contain 50 – 200 eggs and are generally oval in shape. It normally takes about 21 days for an egg to hatch out as a baby cockroach.

In summary, though you may not completely eradicate cockroaches from your residence, you can control them if you know which type you are dealing with and know the weaknesses of each type.


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